Author Logo Design: Amy O’Hana’s Brand Transformation

Visual brand identity for writer Amy O'Hanah. Soft, feminine and elegant brand design for creative non-fiction writer. #branding #logo #writer #author #blush #creativewriter #entrepreneur #graphicdesign

Mar 5

Author logo design and visual brand identity for writer Amy O'Hanah. Soft, feminine and elegant brand design for creative non-fiction writer. #branding #logo #writer #author #blush #creativewriter #entrepreneur #graphicdesign

I am so excited to share this new author logo design with you — Amy O’Hana is a licensed therapist, an educator, and a writer who aspired to start a lifestyle blog.

As a university professor, and surrounded by young women, Amy saw an opportunity to educate further. A niche that needed filled, and as a strong and determined woman, she aimed to fill it — naturally.

She felt a calling to mentor other women, sharing wisdom and advice to help them on their own spiritual journeys.

And as a writer, a literary lifestyle blog was the answer which would also drum up followers and interest in a potential future book business.   

With this idea, she needed an expert in business branding to execute her idea.

And that’s when she reached out to me!

Amy found me on Pinterest and not only filled out my contact form but wrote me a book!

Of course I’m exaggerating but it was the most in-depth introductory email that I’ve ever received from a potential client.

She’s a great writer!

More than that — she knew her stuff!

Amy had already read ALL of my blog posts and completed the exercises before even emailing me — what?! This lady knows what she wants and goes after it!   

Author Logo Design & Brand Strategy

Within just a few days Amy had booked her Brand Collection with me — as well as a Brand Intensive. Exactly what her fledgling brand needed, this guaranteed a powerful combination of soul searching and one-of-a-kind brand identity design.

We started with the 2-hour intensive focused on strategy and coaching. A successful brand is built on a strong foundation. During this Brand Intensive session, I help my clients hone their vision, identify problem areas, and much more.

A Change In Plans

Amy had originally come to me wanting to launch a literary blog.

In her mind, if she could build a following through this blog she could eventually reach her true goal — a book deal.

However, while doing research for her new brand — and planning her strategy (before her Brand Intensive) I came up with a totally different idea…

We needed to brand Amy, the author. Not create a new brand (a literary blog).

I crafted a long term and in-depth strategy how we would instead make Amy the center of the new brand.

This idea was totally transformative for Amy — and she loved it. She even agreed with me that a book deal was no longer the end goal.

The ultimate goal was to celebrate exactly who she is: Amy O’Hana — Author. (With some pretty fabulous visual branding to help!).

This left her with so much more potential to grow and flourish (beyond “just” a book deal).

Brand board and color palette for creative writer Amy O'Hana. Soft, feminine and elegant brand design for creative non-fiction writer. #branding #logo #writer #author #blush #creativewriter #entrepreneur #graphicdesign

Ideal Client — A.K.A. “Ideal Reader”

With the business plan solidified, the branding was just getting started.

Next was honing in on her ideal client. Who is Amy’s audience? Who is she writing to? Where does she live? What does she look like?

Your brand will be more powerful (and easier to create content for) if you have one person in mind who you’re catering to.

Initially, Amy came to me thinking her ideal client was between the ages of 18 and 40.


Love that enthusiasm — but that’s a lot of people. We narrowed that down to a specific age. Then we pinpointed her background, marital status, lifestyle, values, and even gave her a fictitious name. We created Amy’s Ideal Client Avatar.

Want to try it yourself?? Check out: The Essential Guide To Finding Your Ideal Client.

The next question was — what does Amy O’Hana look like?

Logo and Visual Branding Design for A Creative Writer

Design time!

After we established the foundation for her new brand (see how important that was?? We now had a totally different direction to go in!) I started designing the brand identity for Amy O’Hana, including: the logo system, colors, and typography.

My goal was to crafted a brand that communicated the same values that Amy wanted to exemplify. So I created a visual branding system that was soft, elegant and feminine. It was also strong.

Author logo design and visual brand identity for writer Amy O'Hanah. Soft, feminine and elegant brand design for creative non-fiction writer. #branding #logo #writer #author #blush #creativewriter #entrepreneur #graphicdesign

Author Logo Design: The Next Step

After we completed Amy’s Branding Experience, she immediately signed up for a Brand Photography session with me! She is flying out from the West Coast later this week for her shoot and…


I love it when I get to meet my clients in person! I work with amazing boss ladies all over the country — so it’s always such a treat when we get to connect in real life (not just video chats!).

In just a few days, Amy will be here in my Colorado Springs photography studio — and we’ll be creating some beautifully branded images of her, doing her boss lady thing! I can’t wait.

Your Next Step

Feeling inspired by Amy’s incredible brand transformation?

Well girl, it’s YOUR turn — *if* you’re feeling brave enough.

This process isn’t easy.

It’s an investment — in you and your dreams.

So if you’re actually ready to do what it takes, then I’m ready for YOU.

Fill out that form on my contact page and if I think you’re a good candidate we’ll meet for a virtual coffee date — and talk all about YOUR brand transformation.

What are you waiting for?

Logo design for wedding photographers, newborn photography branding, life coaches, artists, authors, hair stylists

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Author logo design and visual brand identity for writer Amy O'Hanah. Soft, feminine and elegant brand design for creative non-fiction writer. #branding #logo #writer #author #blush #creativewriter #entrepreneur #graphicdesign

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