Potential Clients: 5 Reasons They’re Not Booking

Are you struggling to book potential clients? Or worse—not attracting any leads in the first place? This blog post is for you! I’m sharing the top 5 reasons why you’re not booking clients, including how to confidently pitch to prospects and how to get clients by attracting ideal leads! #marketingtips #luxurybrand #marketing #femaleentrepreneur

Feb 2

Are you scratching your head, wondering why you can’t land any clients?

After all, you’ve poured so much into your business.

You’re passionate about what you do, and you can’t wait to share it with your clients.

You’ve created an awesome website showcasing your services.

You’ve even started putting yourself out there and reaching out to potential clients.

The only problem is—no one’s biting.

So what gives?!

If you’re like many entrepreneurs who are struggling to land clients, then this video is for you. I’m sharing the 5 reasons your potential clients aren’t booking—and how to fix it so they do!

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In this video, I’m teaching you how to confidently close the deal with your dream clients.

Let’s dig in!

Why are you struggling with booking clients?

There are many reasons why you could be having a hard time landing deals in your service-based business, but I’m going to share the top 5 I see most frequently.

And the first one has to do with attracting leads.

Reason #1 You’re Not Booking Potential Clients: You’re Not Getting Enough Leads

If you’re not getting enough leads in the first place, you may need to simply check into the logistics of your marketing system. Ask yourself… 

  • Is your lead form functioning? Be sure to check this regularly! The thought of you missing out on valuable leads because of a technical issue makes me full-body cringe.
  • Is your branding working to attract your ideal clients? Your branding should speak directly to a specific audience. And if you haven’t nailed down your ideal audience yet, NOW is the time to do it!

When you’re figuring out your ideal client, it helps to get super specific. What’s their age? What do they do for work? What’s their income? What’s going on in their life? What do they do for fun? What are some of their biggest goals? And, most importantly: What drives their decisions?

Once you’ve developed a solid ideal client avatar to speak to, your brand messaging will be much more effective. And if you’d like help defining, attracting, and booking your dreamiest ideal client, I’ve got you covered with my PDF guide, Client Breakthrough.

  • Do you have a marketing strategy to drive leads to your website? If not, don’t worry. There are many free resources available to help you develop a powerful marketing strategy, including another one of my videos: My Blogging Advice for Small Business Owners.

So we’ve covered why you’re not attracting leads in the first place. What about when leads ARE coming your way, but they don’t book with you? Onto reason number two!

Reason #2: You’re Not Meeting with Potential Clients

It boggles my mind that some coaches and service-based entrepreneurs will try to book new clients without ever meeting them first. If you don’t meet them, how will THEY know you’re the right person for the job? How will YOU know if they’ll be a good client? These are very important things to figure out!

The apprehension about meeting your clients usually comes from a fear of rejection or introvertedness. And as a fellow introvert, I get it! But I want you to know that you can confidently put yourself out there, even if you’re more on the reserved side. That’s why I created this video: Tips for Introverts: How to Show Up in Business.

The truth is—to a new lead, you’re really just a stranger on the internet. That’s why it’s absolutely essential to build trust by meeting with them first.

And that brings us to reason number three…

Reason #3 You’re Not Booking Potential Clients: You’re Not Acknowledging What You’re Doing When You Pitch to Clients: Selling!

When you meet with a potential client—you can call it whatever you want… discovery call, consultation, 15-minute chat (you get the picture!)—be honest about what this meeting is. It’s a sales call.

You need to actually come out and sell to your potential client. You’re making them an offer. If you beat around the bush, you aren’t going to seem confident at all—and that’s going to transfer over to the client not feeling confident in you.

So don’t be shy! Trust me—they know why they’re there. They’re trying to see if they want to buy what you’re selling.

Present your offer and the value you bring to your clients confidently. I know that doesn’t come naturally for most of us. It’s a learned skill! It takes intentional practice. To learn more about overcoming small thinking, check out this video: I Changed This One Thing and Doubled My Income.

And if you’re having trouble showing up confidently, it may be because of reason number four…

Reason #4: You Don’t Have an Irresistible Offer

If people aren’t booking, take a deeper look at what you’re offering. You might find that your offer isn’t enticing enough. There are lots of ways to improve your offer, but I want you to avoid the common tendency of reducing your pricing. 

This is a mistake! In fact, I want you to let me know in the comments that you vow to NOT reduce your pricing.

Instead, you should reevaluate your offer. As you do, think about this: people don’t want the service you’re selling. What they’re really after is the SOLUTION it provides. On your calls and in your marketing, are you selling services or are you selling a valuable solution to their problem?

Another way to improve your offer is to explain the transformation you can provide to your client. Help them envision how much easier and better their life will be with your help. Make it utterly irresistible to your ideal client!

Now, if you already have a killer offer in place and still aren’t booking clients, there’s one more reason you could be struggling.

Reason #5 You’re Not Booking Potential Clients: You’re Not Following Up

You’ve drawn your ideal client in with your marketing system and already had your sales call. You expect to be celebrating a sale anytime now, but what actually happens is an entrepreneur’s worst nightmare: the prospective client GHOSTS you.

There’s almost nothing worse than that feeling! So let’s make it as easy as possible for your potential client to follow through. 

The thing is—it would be inaccurate to assume that interested leads are always going to book right after the sales call. But try not to take this too personally. Everyone is busy with things going on in their own lives and their own businesses. 

So it can really help to send a follow-up to stay top of mind—several times, if necessary. After all, you’re offering a solution that will make their lives easier and reduce some of that busy-ness. In a lot of cases, I’ve found that persistence really does pay off.

So now you know exactly how to get clients—ideal clients— and close more deals!

But what about retaining your clients and earning those raving testimonials? If you’d like to learn how to elevate your service-based business and deliver a truly luxury experience, download my free guide, 7 Steps to a Luxury Brand.

For more helpful content on marketing your luxury brand and attracting higher-paying clients, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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