Social Media Marketing Strategy: How Creating One Totally Transformed My Business

How Creating A Social Media Strategy Totally Transformed My Business | Frustrated with social media for your small business? This video is for you, friend! Hit 'play' to learn the one secret most online entrepreneurs lack! This is how I grew my Instagram and other social media platforms—to get more followers, more clients, and more profit! #socialmedia #marketing #instagram

Oct 31

How Creating A Social Media Strategy Totally Transformed My Business | Frustrated with social media for your small business? This video is for you, friend! Hit 'play' to learn the one secret most online entrepreneurs lack! This is how I grew my Instagram and other social media platforms—to get more followers, more clients, and more profit! #socialmedia #marketing #instagram

As a business owner, you know how important social media marketing is. But if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably struggled to make it work for your brand. 

I spent years trying to grow a following and engage with my audience—always feeling like my efforts were falling flat.

But then, everything changed. 

I found the secret to making social media work for my small biz.

Today I’m sharing the story behind my social media transformation—how creating a social media strategy totally changed my business.

Social Media Marketing Strategy: How I Totally Transformed My Business!

Before I Had A Social Media Marketing Strategy

As I mentioned I was kind of a mess when it came to social media for my small business. I knew it was super important but I didn’t really know how to approach it.

I had accounts for my brand on all the big platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Some of them I posted to regularly, some barely at all.

I saw other entrepreneurs thriving on social media—growing large engaged followings. And I had colleagues who would tell me they’d book amazing clients who found them via their social platforms. But I just didn’t get it.

So I struggled with my social media marketing for years.

My Social Media Turning Point

Despite my frustration with social media, my branding business really took off. 

While I had started by offering a la carte brand design services, my clients began to hire me for their entire brand transformations (start to finish).

Suddenly, I was booking clients with proposals that included 5-figures after the dollar sign—and working with them on everything including their brand strategy, brand and logo design, brand photography, and custom website design. I had clients flying in from other states just to get their brand photos taken by me.

It was amazing! But then, when their branding experience was over, some of them started to ask “what next?”

I’d created gorgeous graphics and branding guidelines for their new brands—but my clients didn’t understand how to translate that into their social media marketing.

And after talking to them, and trying to explain it to them I realized—I did understand how to do it.

So I started to offer full service content and social media marketing packages to my clients. With my team, I develop long term strategies for my clients. Then we plan it out, and implement it—every month.

To make this work, I had to create systems in my business, so I could execute my client’s content creation on repeat. And I realized that these systems didn’t just work—they worked really well.

Then I realized, this was where I had failed with my own social media.

I was too close to my own social media content. I was always posting in the moment and on the fly—without stepping back and creating a high level strategy. I’d never had a plan or a way to implement it.

So I changed that. I took the strategies and systems I’d created for my clients’ social media marketing—and decided to implement them in my own business. And I started to treat my social media strategy just like any other client.

How My Social Media Marketing Strategy Transformed My Business

After I took charge, created my own social media strategy, and treated it like I would for another client—I started to see results!

Instead of posting in the moment, I’m able to plan ahead—including planning for future launches and promotions—which means my social media is inline with those events.

I also have perfectly curated graphics and text for all of my posts because they’re planned out ahead of time, and part of a larger strategy. I’m no longer frantically searching for something (anything!) to post in the moment.

Because I did the work and created a social media strategy, when I sit down to write, I know what I want to talk about. I’m never wondering what I should say.

And more than that, since creating my own social media strategy, I’ve nearly tripled my web traffic, and I continue to book higher paying clients. The clients who find me via social media are ardent fans who want to work with me—and only me.

So I’m not exaggerating when I say that creating a social media strategy transformed my business.

And that’s exactly why I want to help YOU build a solid social media strategy too! So I’ve created Your Social Brand Guidebook—a FREE workbook to help you get clear on your social strategy, and start connecting with your own die-hard fans. I’m so excited to share this with you—because I know how transformative it can be. 

So go download your FREE copy now—then, grab a pen and a cup of coffee and get started!

Thanks for joining me today! I hope this video has inspired you to take a closer look at how you approach social media for your brand—and if you want to learn more, be sure to check out this Social Media Marketing playlist—full of all my videos on social media marketing!

Also, be sure to subscribe to my channel! I post new videos each week and my subscribers are the first to know!

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