Limiting Beliefs: The ONE THING I Changed to Double my Income

Are your negative money mindset and limiting beliefs holding you back from financial freedom? This blog post is for you! Learn how shedding your limiting beliefs about money will drastically increase your income. #moneymindset #moneytips #entrepreneurship #luxurybrand

Jan 20

Are you ready to elevate your business and start making more money? Then you’re in the right place! I’m here to share with you how to overcome your limiting beliefs about money so you can finally invite financial freedom into your life.

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In this video, I’m sharing how to develop a positive money mindset so you can stop thinking small and instead, start seeing big results in your business.

Do you have limiting money beliefs?

Does thinking about money make you feel stressed out?

If so, maybe you have some of the same limiting beliefs I’ve had in the past. Do you find yourself thinking things like…

“I’ll never have enough money!”

“It’s really hard to succeed as an entrepreneur.”

“It’s impossible to make a lot of money.”

“No one will ever pay $X for my services.”

And, “Making a lot of money is selfish!”

Believe it or not, these negative beliefs are the only thing holding you back from increasing your income. It really is as simple as that. Your mindset has the power to change your habits—and change your life!

But before I did the work to reframe my beliefs about money, I had some pretty backwards thoughts, too…

When I saw other entrepreneurs finding success, I just assumed they had something I didn’t. Either that or they weren’t being honest about their success. That’s how impossible it felt to me to make money. I literally thought people were lying about it!

And it really didn’t make any sense for me to think this way. After all, my whole mission has been to help female entrepreneurs make more money and charge their worth. 

So I must have thought I was charging appropriate prices at the time. And considering how low my prices were, it just goes to show how truly limiting my money mindset was.

The truth is, when I was stuck in those negative beliefs, my business wasn’t thriving. Sure, it was growing, but only very, very slowly. I struggled for years to get new clients and make more money.

It wasn’t until I shifted my money mindset that I started seeing REAL success.

So how do you overcome a negative money mindset?

To start thinking differently, some sort of external perspective is usually required. Someone from the outside looking in can offer clarity and help you identify your flawed thinking patterns.

You don’t know what you don’t know, right? 

For me, that external perspective came from working with two coaches: The Life Coach School and Chris Do of The Futur. Through these two programs, I started to rethink my beliefs around money, value, and business success.

And I came to a very important realization: My beliefs were just that—beliefs! They weren’t facts.

After some reflection, I was able to figure out where some of my limited beliefs originated. For example, my father always praised me for being brave and starting a business. He believed that running a business was risky and difficult, so I picked up that belief from him.

Then came another life-changing realization: I discovered that I could simply choose not to believe my negative thoughts about making money.

Now I have a powerful exercise for you to try…

Think about your own money mindset. Make a list of your beliefs around money and success. It’s important to actually write them down! Then, review your list of beliefs and ask yourself—is this really true? What if I choose to believe something else?

So, I want to know—which limiting belief about money surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments below!

Accountability is Key

Once I did this work and got my mindset on track, I found it very helpful to team up with accountability partners. We met weekly to work on our homework for one of the coaching programs, and we supported each other and kept each other on track.

During one of our discussions around money mindset, I found out that my accountability partners were charging 5-10 times more than I was charging for a very similar project.

I was blown away! It really opened my eyes to how much was actually possible. And it showed me just how much I had been limiting my own success and income, simply because I was trapped in my own beliefs.

After that discussion, my accountability partners encouraged me to raise my rates. So I more than doubled them! 

Want to know the result? In the matter of a few months, I had contracted nearly double my previous year’s revenue. If you’d like to see your income skyrocket like this, too, you should check out my other video, How To Attract Higher Paying Clients.

And here’s the thing… I know my success didn’t come simply because I raised my rates. It’s because I finally believed it was possible. I believed in the value that I brought to my clients, and I believed my services were absolutely worth it.

Those beliefs are what empowered me to finally raise my rates and see the massive success that resulted. In fact, when I was charging way less, I had a much harder time booking clients because I didn’t truly believe in the value of my offer.

See—mindset really is everything!

And now you’re equipped to shift your mindset and see the same kind of success.

As I mentioned before, my mission is to help coaches and women entrepreneurs make more money and establish financial freedom. That’s exactly why I’m so passionate about helping my clients build luxury brands. If you’d like to learn how to attract higher-paying clients and claim financial freedom for yourself, be sure to grab my free guide, 7 Steps to a Luxury Brand.

Wondering how to build a luxury brand experience for your clients? Grab this FREE guide now!

If you want to learn more about developing a luxury brand, I think you’ll really like this video, too:  Luxury Branding: How To Build A High End Brand. And for even more video content on all things branding and entrepreneurship, click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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